No ferri partem ceteros pro. Everti volumus menandri at pro. Cum illud euripidis cu, mazim deterruisset ei eum. Ex alia dolorem insolens per, malis clita laboramus duo ut, ridens appareat philosophia ea quo.

Vix elit tantas phaedrum et, ea quo vide facete scriptorem. Ut facer laboramus definitiones has, viris dictas regione at eos. Noluisse constituto vix at, nec malorum rationibus te. Nec numquam definiebas id, vim id liber munere. Simul discere reprimique qui eu. Et aeterno aperiri disputando vix.
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HTML Templates For Digital Signage / Motion Graphics
Digital Signage templates and motion graphics. In a response to Target's RFP for our end-to-end digital signage system. We created templates (using our templating system) to serve the purpose of in-store content, focused on selling products.
Every year, our client has a team-building event for thought-leaders in their organization, that encourages sharing knowledge across silos, to enhance a more unified brand culture. Our client came to us to develop interactive experience that involved digital displays, participant's mobile devices, and on-site iPad interactivity.

The goal was to create educational and thought-provoking excercises for attendees, and encourage a communal sharing of ideas.

Financial Stories
The Financial Stories experience involved digital displays and iPad interactive experiences that described four fictional narratives, with a focus on financial planning. I designed/developed the iPad front-end, which fed user input into my back-end for group visualization on how attendees responded to these scenarios.

Call Center ('Silent Disco Theme')
This experience involved a headphone-based audio where attendees can listen to various recordings of real call-center experiences, and provide feedback using their own mobile devices.

I developed the on-screen visuals, the real-time full-stack (front-end/back-end) for the QR-actuated mobile input (which was geofenced to the actual location of the event), digital content which featured real-time feedback from attendees, and the motion graphics for all the experiences.

Various Mobile Quizzes
There were various QR-actuated mobile quizzes throughout the event space, where attendees can answer questions about their sector. Attendees could then see a collective percentile of how they performed as an entire group.

Citizens Pledge
The Financial Stories experience involved digital displays and iPad interactive experiences that described four fictional narratives, with a focus on financial planning. I designed/developed the iPad front-end, which fed user input into a back-end for group visualization on how attendees responded to these scenarios.

Skills / Stack
Art Direction
Interactive design
Motion Graphics
Mobile UI
Web UI
Full stack design & development
Geofencing techniques
QR validation
Secure JWT token validation
geofence validation
Digital Advertisements
The client's brand was elegant and fun. Very simple to work with. I produced various video based adverts as well as animated gifs (which had to have a file size under 150Kb!).
There will always be a place in my heart for photography. Having grown up with film (Mamiya RZ), I loved the element surprise that came out of the optical, physical medium. Moving forward, I still relish the indexical, communicative value in photography.

Various images taken for jobs, ranging from small botique businesses such as candle makers — to large firms such as HP.
Selected Work. To view more, visit:
An end-to-end solution for Fifth Third Bank
The client asked us to come up with a unique interactive experience for a new branch to be built at CVG Airport. Our answer was to develop a motion-triggered immersive experience from scratch.

Solution Architect
I developed the idea to have the two large LED ceiling and facade units respond to camera-based motion. The motion was to be fluid and non-intrusive. My system utilized off-the-shelf cameras that turned picture data into real-time signals that streamed into WebGL spots that was served by our digital signage CMS. The camera based ‘sensor’ solution required extensive analysis of the environment prior to site construction — which utilized full-scale 3D models to aid in decision making (lens field-of-view, camera placement, etc.).

Role / Skills
Solutions Architect
Motion Design
Interactive Design
3D Modeling
Custom 3D Solutioning for Fifth Third Bank
During the development of the Interactive Motion System, we settled upon a camera location to serve the Facade LED display. A problem surfaced — The airport lease-line for the client was right above the LED display, and an off-the shelf camera enclosure was too tall, and in violation of the lease roles. Our client, thier architects and contractors could not find a solution for this problem...

I proposed and developed a solution to design and fabricate a low-profile enclosure that just fit below the airport lease-line.

With aid of the 3D files of the terminal and our decision on field of view requirements, I designed (hard-surface modeling) an enclosure to fit over the ledge of the LED facade, while being as non-intusive as possible. The parts were printed in nylon at our chosen 3d print vendor without need of a single prototype, and delivered directly to the construction site. Every piece, down to the bolts, washers and screws was specced out well in advance, so that installation completed with minimal effort.
I got a hold of Stable Diffusion as soon as the first version was released and installed the model on my laptop. As a painter, I wanted to explore how it thought about contemporaneous artists and their work (specifically, I was wondering about training data, since I've trained neural nets (CNNs) in the past).

A lot had been said about the ethical issues surrounding generative AI and training data (mostly around the realm of copyright legality). For the record, I defer to the thoughts of T.S. Eliots' 1920 assertation that 'mature poets steal'. I was very surprised at the SD results coming from my laptop. The images were very poetic.

Both informed and pleased with the output, I was inspired to design/build a virtual gallery for this experiment.

To view exhibition:
Art Exhibition: Rauch, Larraz,
Tuymans & Schutz
Lovely Human was a published iOS app, that allowed people to discover like minds in a hyper-local space, in real time in real locations.

The Lovely Human scenario was this: If, at a whim, one wanted to meet and interact with a real person, with similar interests & within their location to go for a walk, have a talk, etc. A discovery app such as Lovely Human might provide this, without overhead and friction from other friend-finder apps.

The highlight of this app is that it was designed to work without an internet connnection (when using micro-location BLE (beacon) mode). Also, it was designed with my directive to never persist data on storage mediums (outside of a profile picture).
SWATCHY was a published iOS app, with a back-end and accompanying website. SWATCHY was developed for color enthusiasts, who were attuned to, and excited about color.

While I wouldn't describe myself as a 'color-geek', I experienced the friction of needing color values on-the-fly, either when a computer wasn't around, or when I was coding a front end and wanted a color value without having to navigate to Photoshop or some other app, to tweak, find or adjust colors...

I developed SWATCHY as a quick way for users to sample colors, translate values, refer/save values on their phone, etc... Without an internet connection, in an easy way, and have this information in their pocket.

For color lovers, SWATCHY allowed users to name their colors and publish to an online library, as a bit of expression of what a color might mean to them.

In SWATCHY, a color and value can of course be saved in a user's swatch collection.
An end-to-end Queue Management System
Qnect is a queue management system that gives service-based organizations, stores and staff a simple way to manage and service customers in physical branches.

Qnect features:
Customer check-in via tablet, kiosk, mobile or web interfaces; Real-time analytics of a store queue; Appointment-based service matching; Specialist availability management; Infrastructure for in-store digital signage; In-store customer surveys, and much more.

Developed everything, end-to-end.

Skills / Stack
Full stack design & development
Art Direction
Interactive design
Motion Graphics
Mobile UI
Web UI
Having grown up with the original dot com boom — even while the printing design still involved press-checks on good-old Heidelbergs, I had the luxury of seeing publishing transform from old to new.

Ink on paper is something special, with a tactility that has become more and more rarified as our digital realm grows.
HTML Templates For Digital Signage / Motion Graphics
Various signage and templates for our clients. We at JR developed our own CMS/templating solution for HTML content, designed to be un-opinionated and can work with common html/js/css/video.
ComQi Electronic Shelf Label System.
Fully Operational Proof Of Concept.
Our company acquired a hardware provider that manufactures electronic shelf label (ESL) devices. These units took the place of traditional paper-based shelf labels.

I was asked to provide a complete solution to integrate with these devices and their local hub server — from a central management hub that could support an entire fleet of such devices across a client's store network.

I developed a fully functional back-end system, front-end system, wireframes & working online prototypes to serve as a guide for our production-developers to produce using their chosen tech ecosystem. For my prototype, I found a product database (wines) with +10,000 records to use as a product dataset.

Skills / Stack
Full stack design & development
Art Direction
Interactive design
Motion Graphics
Mobile UI
Web UI
Other motion graphics created throughout the years using various 3d tools and AfterEffects.
Are you sure you want to do this?
I believe that there's tremendous value in having a multidisciplinary approach to just about everything. It allows for greater empathy for all involved, and a more holistic understanding of how things come together.

I like making things, braking things, and McGyvering things together.
I'm sentimental about paper sometimes... and strive for simplicity.
One great upside of 3D modeling is that it clarifies aspects about a thing that too often go unnoticed when casually ruminating on that object, in thought or during observation.

One downside is that reality is often more complex, more expensive, and heavier.

Take a 2x6 piece of lumber. It may be a simple cuboid in 3D. A cinch to multiply and cursor swipe to move. But hauling a bunch of 20 foot cuboids in reality can be back-breaking work, with none of them as straight and planar as a model would lead one to believe.
I've come to like semicolons.
They seem to like me back.
Being able to visualize a complete functional system before it exists, with some level of knowledge, respect for complexity and a good amount of certainty — can at times be thrilling. It's like glimpsing into the future.

Even more thrilling, is having the ability to prototype such systems, end-to-end, as proof that we're not in the business of vaporware.

As long as our holistic knowledge around a solution is reliable, solutions are within implementable reach, and flexibility around the unknowns (clients, their data, their vendors and their audiences) are well grasped from a high, intuitive level.
The way that light plays, glances and lingers on surfaces, mingles through the air, and dances through a photographic apparatus ... The way such effects are amazingly imprinted onto a single plane...

There are times when reality doesn't do a photograph justice. A photo is a photo, because of the qualities above.
Painting, for me, has a kind of “presence” that is unrivaled by any other medium. Paintings seem to have a life of their own. They look at the viewer as much as the viewer looks at them.